Equilibrium and elephants
      ( 21.7.03 ) Ally  
Well, what can I say? Ummmmm, the main thing that comes to mind is *happy*. Last week was just amazing, and I'm just hoping it carries on. For once, I have this muchos nerving feeling that it isn't. Which makes life even better. I have hit the point of actually believing that anything is possible. And for me, that is a very scary thought.

But on a note that slightly angered me today... and yes, work does figure in this equation.... another team had put in a formal complaint about our team just because for the second month in a row a number of our team has won the incentive thing. How petty is that. Oh, out stats are too low, blah blah blah.... so isn't it strange that when four places became available in the team NO-ONE requested to join? Yeah, they can't face the fact that an awful lot of work actually goes on and that we are cleaning up their messes. Skanks.

Another thing that's worrying me... I haven't had an appointment with the neuro for like nearly a year. Now, I know you're thinking that maybe that isn't a bad thing, but seeing as I STILL haven't had the results of the muscle biopsy I had over a year and a half ago and I haven't had the results from the blood tests they wanted to run in conjunction with the biopsy, I'm I little freaked out. I wanna know, goddammit!

But still *floating on cloud nine* neverthelss......

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